Friday, September 14, 2012

About this blog

So basically I just wanted to introduce my blog. To do this I will tell you a little about myself. I currently live in Northern California with my brother and sister n law to take care of my beautiful nephew Malakai : ). In my blog I hope to post any tips and tricks that I may have as far as childcare. I am always amazed at how much I know that could help other people. I come from a large family and I have always been a bit of a care taker. I have been babysitting since I was twelve and being paid. That is not including family. Anyways I am Mexican, Spanish and Polish and I look to cook the comfort foods from my childhood so hopefully I will also have recipes on here. I also did comsetology so I hope to post some beauty tips also. I am kind of a hit and miss person so I knew if I did not post this little intro and put pressure on myself then I would never start. Oh! I forgot to mention that I love to knit and crochet and do all kinds of crafts as well as decorating. Anyways this was somewhat of a whats to come post. I hope you guys enjoy my blog and that I have many blogs for you coming very soon!

muah <3

love always,